Produse pentru produse naturiste (163)

Fond de ten lichid natural 10 - 100 ml

Fond de ten lichid natural 10 - 100 ml

¡La primera base líquida mate de Delfy Cosmetics! ¡Creado exclusivamente por Delfy Cosmetics! Esta fórmula ligera y edificable Unifica el tono de la piel al instante, dejándola en perfectas condiciones como el efecto "Photo Filter". Cobertura media a completa, fácil de suavizar, acabado totalmente mate, que dura horas, incluso en climas cálidos. Su formulación líquida nos permite aplicar el producto no solo en el rostro, sino en el cuello y zona del escote, cubriendo las manchas y el tono irregular. Su envase de gran volumen (100 ml) fue especialmente creado para aquellas que aman no solo el maquillaje del rostro, sino también la zona del cuello y el escote. También se puede utilizar en las extremidades. También es muy cómodo y económico para maquilladores profesionales. Ideal para usar en caso de Pieles Mixtas y Grasas. Volumen: 100ml Referencia:5060465718273


Bergamot is an aromatic citrus fruit, scientifically known as Citrus bergamia, which is mainly grown in the Calabria region of Italy. It comes with a green or yellow peel and has a fresh, sweet and slightly spicy aroma, which is distinctive and pleasant. Bergamot essential oil, extracted from the peel of the fruit, is highly valued in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its ability to provide citrus, bright and elegant notes to aromatic compositions. In addition to its use in fragrances, bergamot has applications in aromatherapy due to its calming and antidepressant properties. In the food industry, it is used to flavor the famous Earl Gray tea and various gourmet products. Its distinctive olfactory profile and multiple benefits make it a prized ingredient in various industries. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Fibră de nucă de cocos

Fibră de nucă de cocos

Descubre los Beneficios de la Fibra de Coco La fibra de coco, también conocida como coir, es un material natural derivado de la cáscara del coco. Este recurso sostenible y renovable ha ganado popularidad en diversas industrias debido a sus múltiples beneficios y aplicaciones.
PURE GLOSS · Colorare demi-permanentă · GLOSSCO PROFESSIONAL

PURE GLOSS · Colorare demi-permanentă · GLOSSCO PROFESSIONAL

Pure Gloss es la innovadora coloración demipermanente de Glossco Professional. Su fórmula con pH ácido se convertirá en el servicio más demandado en el salón al combinar a la perfección coloración y tratamiento dando como resultado un brillo intenso. Su exclusiva fórmula sin amoniaco, con Vitamina C y ácido hialurónico proporciona al cabello un cuidado único en un solo servicio, con una duración entre 15 y 20 lavados. Reconstruye e hidrata el cabello en profundidad. Brillo y fuerza sin precedentes
Discuri de tratament Arbore de Ceai + Bakuchiol - 50 buc. - Curăță + Exfoliază + Efect Purificator - Matifiant - Reparant

Discuri de tratament Arbore de Ceai + Bakuchiol - 50 buc. - Curăță + Exfoliază + Efect Purificator - Matifiant - Reparant

Discos 100 % algodón impregnados de una fórmula avanzada con el 94,60% de ingredientes naturales: Arbol de Te + Bakuchiol + Niacinamida + Trikenol ™ Plus (4-Terpineol, Ácido Salicílico y Extracto de Sauce Blanco), que además de eliminar las células muertas y las impurezas, ayudan a prevenir la obstrucción de los poros, rehidratan en profundidad y matifican reduciendo brillos. - Limpia + Exfolia + Efecto Purificante – Matificante – Reparador en una sola aplicación. - 95,6 % ingredientes naturales. - Apto veganos. - Piel mixta y grasa con tendencia acnéica. - Dermatológicamente testado. Modo de empleo: Usar por la mañana y/o por la noche sobre la piel limpia y seca. Masajear realizando movimientos circulares con el lado con relieve del disco. No aclarar. Aplíquese si se desea la crema habitual. Evitar el contacto con los ojos, en caso de contacto aclarar con abundante agua. Aplicar un protector solar durante el día. C.N.:210951.3


La calma es la cuna del poder cuando viene en pequeñas parcelas como esta. La menta verde antiinflamatoria puede someter tu mente agitada a una calma silenciosa. Mientras tu mente medita, inhala esta graciosa menta atada con la suavidad de lavanda y lima adornada con la fragancia ortodoxa de pomelo. Referencia:8906051436879
Pack My Enjoy - Set de wellness pentru îngrijirea ta zilnică

Pack My Enjoy - Set de wellness pentru îngrijirea ta zilnică

Sal de baño relajante o tonificante – Aceite de masaje aromaterápico – Fragancia aromaterápica Ideal para regalar y regalarse momentos de disfrutes en las rutinas diarias de belleza y bienestar.
Crema de noapte Sensitive Satin C+ Bio - Cremă antirid depigmentantă

Crema de noapte Sensitive Satin C+ Bio - Cremă antirid depigmentantă

Crema facial y corporal de consistencia media, de uso nocturno. Está especialmente indicada para pieles maduras, desvitalizadas o descamadas. Aplicación en rostro, contorno de ojos, escote y zonas a tratar. De absorción rápida, no deja sensación grasa en la piel. Formulada para combatir manchas e imperfecciones, así como nutrir en profundidad. Crema de textura especialmente agradable gracias a su nutritiva base de aceite de Aguacate y “shot cítrico”.
MEDITERRANEUS MAN BODY GEL - Gel de baie cu gălbenele și hamamelis

MEDITERRANEUS MAN BODY GEL - Gel de baie cu gălbenele și hamamelis

Gel de baño con activos hidratantes y extractos naturales de Caléndula y Hamamelis que ayuda a relajar los músculos, mejorar la circulación sanguinea, limpia y cuidan la piel del cuerpo dejándola suave, sana y nutrida. Elaborado con agua termal. Perfecto para después de ejercicio físico. Ideal para el uso diario.
Corectori multipli de microelemente

Corectori multipli de microelemente

Los correctores múltiples de microelementos de Mediterránea de agroquímicos son una solución integral para abordar múltiples deficiencias de nutrientes en el suelo. Estos productos están formulados con una combinación de microelementos esenciales que son cruciales para el crecimiento y desarrollo óptimo de las plantas. Al utilizar estos correctores, los agricultores pueden mejorar la salud general de sus cultivos, asegurando que las plantas reciban todos los nutrientes necesarios para prosperar. Estos correctores son ideales para su uso en una variedad de cultivos y pueden ser aplicados de manera eficiente a través de diferentes métodos de fertilización. Al elegir los correctores múltiples de microelementos de Mediterránea de agroquímicos, los agricultores pueden estar seguros de que están utilizando productos de alta calidad que promueven un crecimiento saludable y sostenible de las plantas, mejorando al mismo tiempo la calidad y el rendimiento de sus cultivos.
Contur de ochi Passion Caviar

Contur de ochi Passion Caviar

Proporciona firmeza a la delicada zona del contorno de los ojos, minimiza las líneas de expresión, potencia las funciones naturales de la piel, combate la hinchazón, descongestiona, alivia y calma.
Calamansa Love Line - Ulei pentru Corp și Față, Balsam pentru Corp, Cremă pentru Față și Ser pentru Față

Calamansa Love Line - Ulei pentru Corp și Față, Balsam pentru Corp, Cremă pentru Față și Ser pentru Față

Calamansa Love is our most precious Collection, completely thought, hearthfelt and formulated for sensitive, intense women. Formulated with:Ecologic essential oil and hydrolate of Damask Rose, mainly recognized by its fragance, they include several natural components -such as terepens, glycosides, flavonoids and anthocyanins- with well known sedative effects in the nervous system. On the skin acts as a perfect anti-inflammatory and anti oxidant. Ecologic Ylang-Ylang essential oil, Regulates oil production and keeps skin natural moisture lost with hormonal changes. Magnolia essential oil, with active inhibitors of the Tyrosinase, responsible for the melanogenesis, the origin of skin stains caused by the exposure to sun UV radiation. Mallow Extract, ecologic vegetable hazelnut oil and organic calendula oleate with high content of fatty acids (Omega9) and vitamins E and A that reinforce the natural protection of the skin.
Fundație Naturală 30 - Bază de machiaj

Fundație Naturală 30 - Bază de machiaj

Base de maquillaje superventas n1 especialmente diseñada para pieles sensibles y alérgicas. La fórmula, que contiene ingredientes hipoalergénicos, garantiza su máxima seguridad. Además, tiene una cobertura completamente natural, no se asienta en los poros y las arrugas. La base de maquillaje Delfy Foundation es una base de maquillaje con doble cobertura, es de larga duración y además es resistente al agua. Es muy fácil de aplicar y cubre y suaviza todas las imperfecciones de la piel de una manera muy natural. Modo de empleo: preparar previamente la piel. Para obtener resultados ideales, se recomienda utilizar Delfy Super Primer, que hidrata profundamente la piel. Aplica una fina capa de base con una brocha de maquillaje (por ejemplo, N5, N6 o N12) o una esponja. Si es necesario, agregue a las zonas deseadas. Referencia:5060465714886
Corector de contur al ochilor 2 în 1 - Natural - Face duo stick

Corector de contur al ochilor 2 în 1 - Natural - Face duo stick

THE PERFECT LOOK An innovative product by Delfy Cosmetics! A universal tinted treatment/concealer for the eye contour. The new concealer with a very light, silky texture, easy to apply, dedicated for daily use. While hydrating delicate skin, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, at the same time it will camouflage the dark circles and small blemishes. It has a very light texture that does not settle into fine wrinkles. Help to: Promote skin microcirculation Reduction of bags (puffiness) under the eyes. Soften dark circles Thanks to its excellent coverage, it is possible to hide spots and imperfections arround the eyes. Main actives: Fresno Extract - Fraxin is an anti-inflammatory agent that also acts as a Effective antioxidant. It is an excellent tonic for veins, helping to improve the microcirculation. Niacinamide - Vitamin B3 has anti-inflammatory, properties, deeply hydrates the skin and reinforces the creation of new cells to keep your face free of impurities. Referencia:5060465719973
Acetat de calciu

Acetat de calciu

Calcium acetate is a calcium salt derived from acetic acid, notable for its white or crystalline powder appearance and its solubility in water. This compound is mainly used as an anticoagulant agent in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia, a common condition in patients with chronic kidney disease, as it helps reduce phosphate levels in the blood by forming insoluble compounds that are eliminated from the body. In addition, calcium acetate is used in the food industry as a stabilizer and preservative, as well as in the production of vinegar from acetic acid and as a precursor in the synthesis of other chemical products. Its versatility and effectiveness in various applications make calcium acetate a valuable compound in multiple fields, from medicine to the food industry. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
limonen natural (D)

limonen natural (D)

D-limonene is an organic compound found naturally in the peel of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes. It appears as a colorless liquid with an intense and fresh citrus aroma. D-limonene is widely used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its refreshing and revitalizing fragrance, which provides citrus and luminous notes to aromatic compositions. In addition to its use in perfumery, D-limonene has applications in the food industry as a flavoring and in domestic and industrial cleaning due to its properties as a natural solvent and degreaser. It is also used in the pharmaceutical and personal care products industries due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Its versatility and health benefits make it an essential ingredient in a variety of commercial and consumer products. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Salicilat de metil

Salicilat de metil

Methyl salicylate CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Glutamat monosodic

Glutamat monosodic

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a salt of glutamic acid, a non-essential amino acid found naturally in many foods such as meat, fish, dairy, vegetables and mushrooms. It comes as a white crystalline powder and is known for its ability to enhance the umami flavor in foods. Umami is one of the five basic tastes along with sweet, salty, sour and bitter, and is described as a savory, meaty and satisfying taste. MSG is widely used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer to improve the taste and acceptability of processed and canned foods. Despite some controversies over its safety in large quantities, MSG is approved by several food regulatory authorities around the world and remains a common ingredient in many food products due to its ability to improve flavor economically and efficiently. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Fibre de nucă de cocos

Fibre de nucă de cocos

La fibra de coco es un recurso natural con una multitud de beneficios que van desde la sostenibilidad ambiental hasta la mejora de la salud del suelo y la durabilidad de los productos. Su versatilidad la hace útil en diversas industrias, incluyendo la agricultura, la construcción, y la fabricación de productos para el hogar. Al optar por la fibra de coco, no solo estás eligiendo un material de alta calidad y duradero, sino que también estás contribuyendo a un futuro más sostenible y apoyando a las comunidades locales. Las fibras largas sirven para : 1. Crear productos para Mascotas. Camas y Juguetes debido a su resistencia y naturalidad. 2. Artículos de Uso Diario: Utilizada en la fabricación de cepillos y escobas por su durabilidad y capacidad de barrer eficazmente. 8. Filtros de agua: Utilizada en sistemas de filtración de agua, especialmente en acuarios, por su capacidad para retener partículas.
metil jasmonat

metil jasmonat

Methyl jasmonate is an organic ester that occurs naturally in plants and acts as a plant hormone. It appears as a colorless liquid with a floral and herbaceous aroma. This compound plays a crucial role in defending plants against biotic (such as insects and pathogens) and abiotic (such as adverse environmental conditions) stresses. In addition to its role in the defense response of plants, methyl jasmonate is used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its characteristic fragrance that provides green and floral notes to aromatic compositions. It is also studied in agriculture as a potential regulator of plant growth and as a means of improving the resistance of crops to stressors. Its versatility in different applications makes it an important compound in scientific research and industry. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
frunze de scorțișoară

frunze de scorțișoară

Leaf cinnamon comes from the Cinnamomum verum or Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree, known for its aromatic leaves that are used to extract a distinctive essential oil. This oil comes as a yellow to brown liquid with a warm, spicy, and slightly herbal aroma, different from the sweeter aroma of cinnamon bark. In the perfumery and cosmetics industry, cinnamon leaf essential oil is valued for its spicy and earthy notes, which add depth and warmth to aromatic compositions. In addition to its use in fragrances, this oil has applications in aromatherapy and personal care products due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and stimulating properties. Cinnamon leaves are also used in the food industry as a flavoring in certain dishes and drinks. Its distinctive aromatic profile and multiple benefits make it a valuable ingredient in various industries. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC


Jasmine is a plant known for its highly aromatic and delicate flowers. It belongs to the genus Jasminum and there are several species that are grown for their flowers, especially Jasminum officinale and Jasminum sambac. Jasmine flowers have white or cream petals and emit a sweet, floral and heady aroma that is highly prized in perfumery and aromatherapy. Jasmine essential oil is extracted from flowers by distillation and is widely used in the high-end perfumery industry due to its rich and exotic fragrance. In addition to its use in perfumes, jasmine is used in the preparation of teas and in the manufacture of cosmetic and personal care products for its calming and aromatic properties. It is a symbol of beauty and grace in many cultures and its persistent and intoxicating fragrance makes it a coveted ingredient in the creation of various commercial and artisanal formulations. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
linalool natural

linalool natural

Natural linalool is a terpene compound present in numerous essential oils, such as lavender, bergamot, coriander and basil. It appears as a colorless liquid with a soft, floral and slightly citrus aroma. This compound is highly appreciated in the perfumery and cosmetics industry for its ability to provide fresh and floral notes to fragrances, improving the complexity and aromatic balance of formulations. Additionally, natural linalool has calming and relaxing properties, making it popular in personal care products, such as lotions, creams, and massage oils, for its beneficial effects on the skin and overall well-being. It is also used in the food industry as a natural flavoring, adding an aromatic touch to various products. Its natural origin and multiple applications make it a valuable and versatile ingredient in a wide range of products. CAS:78-70-6 CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
sabină naturală

sabină naturală

Natural sabinene is a terpenoid found naturally in several plants, such as pine, mint, and juniper. It appears as a colorless liquid with a fresh, piney aroma, characteristic of many plant resins. This compound is valued in the perfumery and aromatherapy industry for its refreshing, earthy fragrance, which is used to add herbal and balsamic notes to fragrances. In addition to its use in perfumery, natural sabinene also has potential medicinal properties, including expectorant and antifungal effects, making it a valuable ingredient in respiratory care and general health products. Likewise, it is used in the food industry as a natural flavoring in products such as beverages and processed foods. CAS:8000-48-4 CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Terpinene Gamma Natural

Terpinene Gamma Natural

Natural gamma terpinene is an organic compound found in several essential oils, especially lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, and thyme oil. It comes as a colorless liquid with a fresh, citrus and herbal aroma. This compound is valued in the perfumery and aromatherapy industry for its refreshing fragrance that provides herbal and citrus notes to aromatic compositions. In addition to its use in perfumery, gamma terpinene has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is used in the pharmaceutical industry in skin care and health products. It is also used in the food industry as a natural flavoring additive. Its versatility and health benefits make it a valuable ingredient in a variety of commercial and consumer products. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC


Methyl salicylate, also known as wintergreen oil or methyl salicylate, is an organic ester with a strong, characteristic mint aroma. It is found naturally in wintergreen leaves and sweet birch, although it can also be synthesized. This compound is widely used in personal care products such as ointments, creams and liniments, due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, providing temporary relief from muscle and joint pain. In addition, methylsalicylate is used in the formulation of mouthwashes, toothpastes and aromatic products due to its refreshing fragrance. In the food industry, it is used in small quantities as a flavoring in chewing gum, candy, and other products. However, due to its potency, it must be handled with care to avoid toxicity. CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
salicilat de metil

salicilat de metil

Methyl salicylate is an organic compound that is formed by the combination of salicylic acid with methanol alcohol. It appears as a colorless or slightly yellow liquid with a characteristic aroma reminiscent of green winter oil, with sweet and refreshing notes. This compound is widely used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry due to its pleasant and persistent fragrance, which is described as fresh, herbaceous and slightly musky. In perfumery, methyl salicylate is used to add green and balsamic notes to perfumes, improving the complexity and durability of fragrances. In addition, it has mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is also used in products for skin care and relief of muscle and joint pain. CAS:119-36-8 CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
Metil eugenol

Metil eugenol

Methyl eugenol is a natural organic compound found in various essential oils, such as clove, bay leaf, and basil. It appears as a colorless to pale yellow liquid with a sweet, spicy and slightly floral aroma, similar to that of eugenol. This compound is used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry to provide warm and spicy notes to fragrances, enriching the aromatic complexity of the products. Additionally, methyl eugenol has applications in the food industry as a flavoring agent in a variety of foods and beverages. However, due to concerns about its safety in large quantities, its use is regulated in many regions. In scientific research, its bioactive properties are studied, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects, which expands its relevance in the field of chemistry and biology. CAS:93-15-2 CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC
CINNAMON MASK · Masca revitalizantă cu scorțișoară · GLOSSCO PROFESSIONAL

CINNAMON MASK · Masca revitalizantă cu scorțișoară · GLOSSCO PROFESSIONAL

Canela Mask es la nuevas mascarilla de la línea Natur Therapy con un alto poder revitalizante que previene la oxidación de la fibra capilar, gracias a su rica fórmula que hidrata y suaviza, al mismo tiempo que combate los radicales libres. Proporciona al cabello la máxima protección con su fórmula libre de sulfatos, siliconas, parabenos y colorantes, sin perder de vista la calidad de Glossco Professional. La canela estimula la microcirculación del sistema piloso, favoreciendo así el crecimiento más fuerte del cabello, previniendo la caída. Numerosos estudios apuntan a la actividad antioxidante de la canela, dada su capacidad para secuestrar los radicales libres y por su habilidad como donador de hidrógenos. Se recomienda utilizar Canela Shampoo con la Natur Therapy Canela shampoo.


Carvacrol is a phenolic and monoterpenoid compound found mainly in the essential oil of oregano and other plants of the Lamiaceae family. It appears as a yellow to colorless liquid with an intense, warm and spicy aroma. It is known for its antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant properties, making it a valuable ingredient in the pharmaceutical industry and in cleaning products. In the perfumery and aromatherapy industry, carvacrol is used for its herbal and medicinal fragrance, which provides intense and fresh notes to aromatic compositions. In addition, it has applications in the food industry as a natural flavoring additive, especially in meat products and condiments. Its versatility and health benefits make carvacrol an essential component in a variety of commercial and consumer products. CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC